添加时间:对于美媒这种病急乱求医的做法,有网友嘲讽道,美国忘了自己曾对越南做出的伤害,越南人民可忘不掉。IT IS RIDICULOUS。Don,t try to make friend and ally out of Vietnam。You might have forgotten, but Vietnam has not。真可笑。别想着跟越南做朋友或是盟友了。你可能忘了,但是越南可不会忘。
▲Can Vietnam Be America’s New Ally Against China?(via National Interest)总结成一句话就是:他们都不太行,只有我美国能行!Only the United States has all of the necessary conditions for a reliable and sufficient core ally against China: a foreign policy independent of Chinese influence (compared to ASEAN members and Russia), economic power necessary to sanction China, diplomatic power necessary to veto China’s United Nations Security Council resolutions, military capabilities necessary to project conventional military power into China, and a nuclear deterrent necessary to protect itself from potential nuclear retaliation by China。 Without the United States to counterbalance China, Vietnam’s security cannot be guaranteed。 United States participation is the sine qua non of any effective alliance against China by any country in the world given the current military balance。
4. 马来西亚榴莲种植商Leron Yee(茹保顺)先生,每天早上五点上山收集“猫山王”,eWTP帮他搬上天猫,进盒区房。2019年8月,茹保顺在天猫开了旗舰店。除了冷冻猫山王榴莲,还卖榴莲冰皮麻薯、榴莲饼。他还尝试到淘宝直播上吆喝,“中国的吃货们,今天我带大家来巡山!”